As an Endangered species, with a very small global population and low genetic diversity, Black Harriers require concerted protection from all anthropogenic impacts.
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Environmental Assessment Specialists in South Africa
Environmental Assessments, Surveys, Censuses & Monitoring
Over 64 assessments and projects completed in 7 countries.
Research & Innovation
Researching and quantifying problems. Implementing solutions: production of guidelines, mitigation proposals, best practice guides
Experienced and professional team
We have extensive experience in a wide range of fields using multiple approaches and state-of-the-art methodologies
Our Research & Innovation
Research on eagle mortalities at an operational wind farm
As more wind farms come online in South Africa, so more raptors and bats will interact with operational turbines. But how do birds behave around these farms?
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Data from 22 operational wind farms in South Africa showed that an average of 4.6 fatalities occur per turbine per year.
Read MoreSatellite tracking of raptors and mitigating collision risks
Satellite-tracking of raptors and bats allows us to understand their foraging, breeding and migratory behaviour and to assist developers in placing turbines with sensitivity to vulnerable species.
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